Panel 1: Politics, perceptions, and platforms

by Natalie Vilkoff

Researchers present their findings on how journalists in the United Arab Emirates, Canada, USA, South Korea, and Taiwan adapt to different political and media environments, the cultural influences on journalistic roles, how journalistic roles are perceived, and how they are actually carried out across different media environments.

Role conception in an uncertain time: The case of Arab journalists: Presenter(s): Elsayed Darwish, Zayed University, Dr. Ahmed Mansoori, United Arab Emirates University 

Canadian reporting practice & democratic ideals: Presenter(s): Davis Vallesi, York University 

Insiderization or celebrification? A comparative study on political journalists’ role conception in South Korea and the United States: Presenter(s): Young Eun Moon, Arizona State University

How political journalists perceived and performed divergent roles online and offline: Presenter(s): I-Chun Lin, University of Leeds

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